Current Litters

Current Litters

Litter #17
Bettina x Bert
Breeding Date: 12/25/2023
Born: 01/18/2024
Applications Open: TBD
Going Home Date: TBD
Expecting: Black and mink, possibly Himalayan or hairless, in top and dumbo ear
Bettina had 15 babies, 10 of which survived. It was a rougher labor, but so far she’s been a calm and attentive mom. Looks like black, mink, and Himalayan. We’re feeding her lots of good extras to help with milk production, and will keep a close eye on everyone for the first couple of days.

After babies were born, dad Bert presented with signs of hormonal aggression (rat on rat aggression). These babies will be held back until we’re reasonably certain they won’t be exhibiting this trait (thus the TBD application and going home dates). Ahh rat breeding, you couldn’t just be simple and good could you?

Litter #18
Wednesday Adams x Lazlo
Breeding Date: 01/18/2024
Born: 02/09/2024
Applications Open: TBD
Going Home Date: TBD
Expecting: Agouti, Black, Cinnamon, and Mink in top and dumbo ear. Possibility for hairless and Himalayan.
Wednesday had 9 babies and has been a great mom so far. This litter is being raised by my wonderful co-breeder Janay, and they are lucky for it! As these rats are related to a rat that showed hormonal aggression, we may be keeping these babies back longer than normal, just to be safe.

Upcoming Litters