Past Litters
Here are some pictures of and information about past litters at Meli Rats.
Litter #1: SGR Simon x SGR Lumi
Expecting: Black, Russian Blue, Russian Blue Siamese, all dumbo
12 babies born on November 30. 2019.
All babies are black or Russian Blue, so Simon almost certainly does not carry Siamese.
Lumi was a great mom, especially with a larger-sized litter.
Babies were sweet and calm - an all around great first litter.
Watch them grow!
Litter #2: SGR Zappa x SGR Lumi
11 babies born on March 21, 2020
Expecting: Black and Russian Blue self babies in standard and dumbo ears
This was a wonderful litter. Lumi is a good mom (although by week 3 she was glad for a break from all these babies!). Originally it looked like two of the babies were a mystery color, but they turned out to be marked Russian Blue. Our rats are all self, so the recessive blaze/headspot babies were a nice surprise. We kept one girl, Moon Unit, for our rattery, and the rest have found great new homes.
Litter #3
MELI Moon Unit x SGR Zappa
Breeding Date: August 2020
Babies on the Ground: September 2020
Going Home: October 2020
Moon Unit is a really fun girl. She does rat zoomies when we open the cage before coming over for scratches and treats. Zappa is a mellow boy with a good heavy type. We were expecting black, Russian Blue, and possibly mink babies with top and dumbo ears. We mostly breed self (unmarked) rats here, but this litter has the possibility for marked rats (white bellies and feet, head spots and possibly ribbon blazes).
Moonie had a very small litter. She’s been a good mom, and the babies look good, just so few of them! There were three, and (sadly) then just two little boys, both Russian Blue, one with standard ears and one with dumbo ears. Surprisingly neither is marked. Perhaps Moonie’s markings come from mom Lumi’s side instead of dad Zappa’s side.
Litter #4
Super Nova x SGR Simon
Breeding Date: Halloween 2020 Thanksgiving 2020
Litter Born: December 17, 2020
Going Home Date: Around New Years 2021 Late January 2021
Both Soupie and Simon are super soft, lovely rats. From this litter we’re expecting very calm, even tempered pets. Babies will be all dumbo with black, Russian Blue, agouti, and Russian Blue agouti coats.
Soupie had 15! babies on December 17th. There were 9 boys and 6 girls. Soupie (it turns out) does not carry Russian Blue, and all babies were black and Agouti dumbos. Soupie was an excellent mom - very attentive, groomed her babies while they nursed, and kept in good share while feeding all of them. This litter was especially bittersweet, as it turned out to be dad Simon’s last.
Litter #5
Soupie x Zappa
Breeding Date: February
Babies Born: March
Going Home Date: Early May
Expecting: black and agouti in dumbo and standard
Notes: Expecting big, soft rats (both Soupie and Zappa are big and heavy). Confirmation-wise we will try to select away from Soupie's (cute) elf ears and longer face and towards rats that have Zappa's nice head.
Soupie had her litter the last day in February. There are 14 pups. Babies are black and agouti in top and dumbo ears. There are quite a few Irish and Berkshire marked babies in this litter. Soupie is an excellent mom. See: giant milk band on the baby below :-D
Litter #6
Bonnie x Zeno
Breeding Date: July 2021
Babies Born: late July 2021
Going Home Date: Late September
Expecting: Black, Siamese/Himi, possibly Russian Blue in standard and dumbo ears
Notes: Well, Bonnie shocked the crap out of me by being super pregnant after I thought she was not. Shows me! Babies should be soft and chunky, a good mix of Bonnie’s sweetness and Zeno'’s solidness.
Litter #7
Pigeon x Clyde
Breeding Date: late August 2021
Babies Born: September 14, 2021
Going Home Date: Halloween 2021
Expecting: agouti, black, Siamese/Himalayan, possibly Russian Blue, mink, and hairless!
Notes: Pigeon is a fun, busy girl and Clyde is a laid back, doofy guy. We’re expecting the babies to be a bit of both : ) Clyde stepped up to the plate at the last minute when the original buck (Zappa) decided he’d rather nap than father more kids. I have a kid - I do not blame him.
Litter #10
Rowena x Campbell
Breeding Date: December 15, 2021
Due Date: January 10, 2021
Going Home Date: March 1, 2021
About: Our wonderful cobreeder, Janay, will be raising this litter. Rowena is a half sibling to our rat Pigeon, and Campbell is a boy I bred here. Both are lovely and soft tempered. We’re expecting 100% dumbo rats in Agouti, black, Siamese/Himalayan, and possibly Russian Blue or hairless. Eep!
Rowena had her litter late in the day on 1/8. Grow little babies, grow!
M1 Black dumbo
M2 Black dumbo
M3 Agouti dumbo
M4 Agouti dumbo
M5 Agouti dumbo
M6 Himilayan dumbo
M7 Black eyed Himilayan dumbo
F1 Black hairless dumbo
Litter #11
Daphne x Zeno
Born: 2/26/2022
Going Home Date: 4/16/2022
Daphne had a small litter of two, one agouti boy and one black dumbo girl. The girl (Polly) stayed here with us. These were some FAT babies : )
F1 Black dumbo (Polly)
M1 Black dumbo
Litter #12
Rowena x Campbell
Breeding Date: 3/10/2022
Due Date: 4/3/2022
Going Home Date: 5/29/2022
Expecting: Agouti, black, and Himalayan, possibly hairless, all dumbo
Loved this breeding so much we’re doing it twice! :-D Rowena had 7 babies, 4 boys and 3 girls. She’s a good mom, everyone is fat and happy.
Litter #13
Pepper Ann x Clyde
Breeding Date: 4/5/2022
Birthday: 4/28/2022
Going Home Date: 6/25/2022
Expecting: Black, Himalayan, possibly hairless, in both dumbo and top ear, with some white markings
Both parents are sweet and soft, and we’re expecting the same from their kids! Clyde is a sweetheart with a killer “treats please” face, and Pepper Ann is a lovely, fun girl. She had 15 (!!!) babies, 14 of whom survived, all of whom are a little on the small side but doing very well. We’ll keep a close eye on her and them.
These babies have been so, so sweet. Really enjoying this litter (as is my toddler daughter, who is especially fond of the “pink rats” - they’ve been getting lots of extra love : ))
F1 Black dumbo
F2 Black Irish dumbo
F3 Black
F4 Black-eyed Himalayan dumbo hairless
F5 Black-eyed Himalayan dumbo hairless
F6 Black-eyed Himalayan hairless
F7 Black-eyed Himalayan hairless
F8 Black-eyed Himalayan
M1 Black dumbo
M2 Black dumbo
M3 Black dumbo
M4 Black Irish
M5 Black
M6 Black-eyed Himalayan hairless
Litter #13
Pepper Ann x Clyde
Breeding Date: 7/23/2022
Born: 8/14/2022
Applications Open: 9/15/2022
Going Home Date: 10/10/2022
Expecting: Black, Himalayan, top and dumbo, some markings, standard and hairless
Notes: Repeat breeding because the first litter was so good! Expecting sweet, outgoing babies. Pepper Ann had 13, 7 girls and 6 boys.
M1 Black dumbo
M2 Black
M3 Black
M4 Black hairless
M5 Black hairless dumbo
M6 Himalayan black eyed dumbo
F1 Black
F2 Black
F3 Black Irish
F4 Black Irish
F5 Black Irish
F6 Black dumbo
F7 Black dumbo
Litter #14
Polly x Kermit
Breeding Date: 9/2/2022
Born: 9/24/2022
Going Home Date: babies staying here, not for purchase
Expecting: All agouti top ear
Notes: Polly gave birth two two girls, both of whom will be staying here at the rattery. This litter is doubly special and important, given that father Kermit passed away before they were born in a horrible accident and that we’ve been waiting to use his new bloodline until this point. Polly has been a calm, sweet, attentive mother, and we’re so lucky to have these little girls as a memory of our good Kermit.
Litter #17
Bettina x Bert
Breeding Date: 12/25/2023
Born: 01/18/2024
Applications Open: TBD
Going Home Date: TBD
Expecting: Black and mink, possibly Himalayan or hairless, in top and dumbo ear
Bettina had 15 babies, 10 of which survived. It was a rougher labor, but so far she’s been a calm and attentive mom. Looks like black, mink, and Himalayan. We’re feeding her lots of good extras to help with milk production, and will keep a close eye on everyone for the first couple of days.
After babies were born, dad Bert presented with signs of hormonal aggression (rat on rat aggression). These babies will be held back until we’re reasonably certain they won’t be exhibiting this trait (thus the TBD application and going home dates). Ahh rat breeding, you couldn’t just be simple and good could you?
Litter #18
Wednesday Adams x Lazlo
Breeding Date: 01/18/2024
Born: 02/09/2024
Applications Open: TBD
Going Home Date: TBD
Expecting: Agouti, Black, Cinnamon, and Mink in top and dumbo ear. Possibility for hairless and Himalayan.
Wednesday had 9 babies and has been a great mom so far. This litter is being raised by my wonderful co-breeder Janay, and they are lucky for it! As these rats are related to a rat that showed hormonal aggression, we may be keeping these babies back longer than normal, just to be safe.
Like Bettina’s litter, babies were kept back extra but showed no signs of HA. No reports from adopters have come in, but if they do I’ll make the update.
Litter #19
Lilibet x Carl
Breeding Date: 8/15/2024
Born: 9/8/2024
Applications Open: 10/10/2024
Going Home Date: 11/3/2024
Expecting: Black and mink, possibly Himalayan or hairless, in top and dumbo ear
Lilibet has been an A+ mom. She’s attentive, happy, and calm. She had 10 babies, 6 girls and 4 boys. To our surprise, this litter includes the color Chocolate, which we haven’t seen pop up before. Babies are fat and growing!